How to Write a Blog for Real Estate Company Complete guide

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Muhammad Hassan
Published: Friday September 13, 2019
Real Estate Real Estate Marketing
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You have probably heard how important blogging is for your marketing. But you must know how to write blog posts for it so that each blog supports your Real Estate Company.

Without a blog, Your Seo is nothing, you’ll have nothing to promote on social media, and you’ll have fewer pages to put that calls-to-action that generate inbound leads.

Does everyone have to talk about why they can’t consistently blog?

Maybe because you don’t like writing, because you have to find a word, string them together into sentences…ugh, and where do you even start?

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What is blog

Do you know what blogs are? In the past, people use a blog as a personal diary to share their content. In this online blog, they could talk about their daily life or share things. But, people saw an opportunity to communicate any information in a new way. So began the beautiful world of blogging.

Today, individuals and organizations manage and publish blogs to share analyses, instruction, criticisms,

And observations of Real estate Sector.

This is a complete guide about blogging, after reading this, there will be no reasons you can’t blog. Get free templates for creating the following types of blogs:

  • The How-To Post
  • The List-Based Post
  • The Curated Collection Post
  • The SlideShare Presentation Post
  • The Newsjacking Post

Now you can blog about Real Estate.

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How to Write a Blog Post for Real Estate Company

1. Understand your Customers: what are their needs and problems?

First, you have a clear understanding of your customers, what are their need? What they want to know about? What will resonate with them? For this create buyers personas, Think about your buyer’s personas and you will get an idea for the blog post.

For instance, if your reader is Real estate agents, you probably don’t need to provide them with information about getting started in Social Media. You might, however, want to give them information on how they can generate more leads from social media. This thing separates you from writing generic stuff To the stuff real estate agents wants to hear.

Don’t have buyer personas in place for your business? Here are a few resources to help you get started:

Create Buyer Personas for Your Business [Free Template] [Free Tool]

2. Create your blog domain.

For blogging, you need a place to host this and every blog post you write. This requires choosing a content management system (CMS) and a website domain hosting service.

Sign Up With a Content Management System

A CMS helps you create a website domain where you’ll publish your blog, while you can choose a writing service, which in my opinion, significantly simplifies the process of writing my paper several times over. The CMS platforms available for you to sign up for can manage domains, where you create your website; and subdomains, where you create a webpage that connects with an existing website.

This is true for every blogger seeking to start their blog on their website.

Register a Domain or Subdomain with a Website Host

Your blog domain will look like this: The name between the two periods is up to you, as long as this domain name doesn’t yet exist on the internet.

Want to create a subdomain for your blog? If you already own a domain at, you might create a blog that looks like this: In other words, your blog’s subdomain will live in its section of

Some CMs offer subdomains with hosting. For example “”

If you want to use your domain, you’ll need to register this subdomain with a website host.

Most website charge very little for hosting an original domain. Website costs can be $4 per month Here are popular web hosting services to choose from:

  • GoDaddy
  • HostGator
  • DreamHost
  • Bluehost
3. Customize your blog’s theme.

Once you have blog domain and hosting service, the next thing is the theme of your blog means the appearance of your blog to reflect the content you plan on creating

Are you writing about the Real estate? Blue might be a color to keep in mind when designing the look and feel of your blog, as Blue is often associated with Trust.

If you already have a website, and you are writing your first blog for that website your blog must be consistent with this existing website, both in appearance and subject matter. Two things to include right away are:

Logo.This can be your name or your business’s log, its help to remind your reader who or what is publishing

“About” pageYou might already have an “About” describing yourself or your business. Your blog’s “About” section is an extension of this higher-level statement.

4. Identify your first blog post’s topic.

First, you have to choose a topic for your blog, the topic can be related to your readers. For example, you’re a Real-estate agent, you might start out thinking you want to write about Leads And listings.

Then, as you do your research, you can expand the topic to discuss how real estate agents generate more leads and how they can manage the listing

You might not want to jump right into a “how-to” article for your first blog post, though, and that’s okay. Perhaps you’d like to write about tools for lead generation, or tell one particular success story you had.

If a Real estate agent’s firs how-to article is about how to generate more leads for example, here are four other types of sample blog post ideas a real estate agent might start with, based on the five free blog templates we’ve offered to you:

  • List-based Post: 5 ways to generate more leads
  • Curated Collection Post: 10 Real estate CRMs you should look into today
  • SlideShare Presentation: 5 Modern technologies that should replace your old one (with pictures)
  • News post: New study shows X% of Real estate agents Fail during their first year
  • Find more examples of blog posts at the end of this step-by-step guide.
5. Come up with a working title.

Then you might come up with a few different working titles — in other words, iterations or different ways of approaching that topic to help you focus your writing.

For example, “Tools for Real Estate Agents to generate more leads” or “How you can generate more leads”

See that evolution from topic to working title, to final title? Even though the working title may not end up being the final title (more on that in a moment), it still provides enough information so you can focus your blog post on something more specific than a generic, overwhelming topic.

6. Write an intro.

First, grab the reader’s attention. If you lose the attention of the reader in the first paragraph or even sentences Of the introduction, they will stop reading, how you can grab their attention? You can do this in several ways: tell a story or a joke, be empathetic, or grip the reader with an interesting fact or statistic.

Then describe the purpose of the post or provide a solution for the problem the reader may be having

This will give the reader a reason to keep reading. Here’s an example of a post that we think does a good job of attracting a reader’s attention right away:

7. Organize your content in an outline.

Sometimes, blog posts can have an overwhelming amount of information for the reader and the writer.

Organize this information through form, sections, lists, tips, whatever’s most appropriate. But it must be organized!

To organize your content you need to do is outline your post. How to organize content in a better way, you can download and use our free blog post templates, which are pre-organized for five of the most common blog post types. Just fill in the blanks!

8. Write your blog post!

The next step — but not the last — is writing the content. We couldn’t forget about that, of course.

Now that you have your outline/template, you’re ready to fill in the blanks. Use your outline as a guide and be sure to expand on all of your points as needed. Write about what you already know, if necessary, do additional research, use Google Trends for this.

9. Edit/proofread your post and fix your formatting

You’re not quite done yet, but you’re close! The editing process is an important part of blogging — don’t overlook it. Ask grammar conscious to read your article and proofread your post, or try using free grammar checker tools like Grammarly.

Visual Appearance:

No one likes an unorganized blog post. Focus on formatting and organization of the post, too.

Proper formatted and visually appealing blog post have header and sub-headers, and those headers are styled consistently.

Maintaining this consistency makes your content (and your brand) look more professional, and makes it easier on the eyes.


Tags are specific, public-facing keywords that describe a post. They also allow readers to browse more content In your blogs. Choose 10-20 tags that show the main topic you want to cover on your blog.

10. Insert a call-to-action (CTA) at the end.

At the end of every blog post, you should have a call-to-action that indicates what you want the reader to do next, signup or read the related article, call-to-actions are beneficial for the marketer. But the CTA is also a valuable resource for the person reading your content — use your CTAs to offer more content similar to the subject of the post they just finished reading.

11. Pick a catchy title.

Pick a catchy title, you have a simple formula for writing catchy titles that grab the attention of your reader Here’s what to consider:

  • Start with your working title.
  • Title must be accurate and clear
  • Make title Catchy through strong language, alliteration, or another literary tactic
  • If you can, optimize for SEO by sneaking some keywords in there.

Finally, see if you can shorten it at all. No one likes a long, overwhelming title — and remember, Google prefers 65 characters or fewer before it truncates it on its search engine results pages.

If you’ve mastered the steps above, learn about some way to take your blog posts to the next level in this post. Want some real examples of blog posts? See what your first blog post can look like, below, based on the topic you choose and the audience you’re targeting.

Varit Real Estate Investment Platform is one of the leading real estate investment groups in the USA. Varit focus is to provide our customers with trustworthy investment Plans by using the most up-to-date information on each property. Vairt has a long history of creating wealth through investing in real estate, both residential and commercial properties. If you really want to invest in real estate, Vairt is the right place to visit! We bring the most reliable and trustworthy real estate investment opportunities in the US. We offer multiple investment options for our investors. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at or call us at +15164447715 for any query.


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